The UMC Summit community is proud to have a variety of ministry opportunities both inside and outside of the church building.

Music Ministries

“May the god who gives endurance and encouragement,
give you a spirit of unity as you follow Jesus Christ,
so that with one heart and voice
you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ” – Romans 15:5

At the United Methodist Church of Summit, we praise God through song using our voices and various instruments. All are invited to participate, church member or not. No experience is required in order to join any of the groups – only a desire to celebrate God’s love through song.  Our children’s groups focus on learning melody, rhythms, choral direction and being part of a group, in addition to having fun. Those  of all ages who play instruments are welcome to add their gifts to the worship experience.  From our littlest singers to our adult Chancel and handbell choirs, we enjoy praising God as we use our musical talents.

singing believers

Won’t you come and join us as we sing joyful and meaningful songs to the Lord? It’s a joy to work together and lift our voices in praise of our Maker. Our Calling all children 4 years old and up, to come and sing joyful songs of the church. Let us grow together in our faith, through music. Rehearsals are on Saturday mornings in the Sanctuary, from September to June . Let us share the light of Christ.


Our Contemporary Ensemble of singers, guitarists, drums, recorders, bass and piano are studying music from the new songbook “Worship and Song”. It includes Our Contemporary Ensemble shares music for Holy Communion each month. The Ensemble uses music from the contemporary hymnals “The Faith We Sing” and “Worship and Song”. Come and share your musical gifts and enrich your faith.

bell choir

We use the theme “Joyful Songs to God We Sing” to remind us of our call to live a joy-filled life. All teens and adults are welcome to join our Chancel Choir, which Making a joyful sound is the mission of our Bell Choir. Come and try ringing hand bells and hand chimes with your church friends. Rehearsals are Sundays in the Sanctuary, from September to June.


It is the prayer of the people of UMC Summit that through our outreach work and partnerships, our church will:

  • build connections of care and discovery,
  • become educated about the needs around us and in the world,
  • celebrate the impact we each make as God’s children,
  • and take opportunities to be in relationship with our greater community

Community Outreach and Support

The people of the United Methodist Church of Summit are engaged with our surrounding community and its needs. This engagement shows up in various forms, including education, empowerment, and reciprocity.

  • Family Promise, hosting families 4 weeks each year in support of the organization’s national efforts to end family homelessness
  • GRACE , standsfor Givingand Receiving Assistanceforour Community’s Essentials. GRACE is a non-profit based in Summit, NJ; that meets community needs with community resources to enable the good heath and success of our vulnerable and underserved neighbors.
  • Prison Fellowship works to bring hope and restoration to prisoners, families and communities impacted by crime and incarceration.
  • Jersey Cares is a nonprofit organization, established in 1993, that recruits and engages volunteers in rewarding, effective efforts that address community-identified needs.
  • Summit Warm Hearts Summit Warm Hearts is a program of the Summit Interfaith Council. We opened our doors in January 2020 to our neighbors without shelter. Among our neighbors include friends who have grown up in Summit, lived here for decades and with whom we have had enduring connections.

As part of these and other relationships with organizations around Summit, Union County, and Northern NJ, the people of UMC Summit participate in a number of activities to extend care into the community:

  • Providing bag lunches in support of Bridges Outreach ministries
  • Knitting/crocheting ministry group organized by UMC Summit
  • A community prayer garden, open for use to the community
  • Special collections for UMC affiliated non-profits, such as UMCOR and Family Promise

children, youth, and families

There is something for everyone here at UMC Summit! Every Sunday morning during worship there is a Children’s Message and we sing “Jesus Loves Me” together. September-June there is Nursery Care, Creative Christianity, and Sunday School. Our Youth Group meets once a month at the church and at scheduled outings and retreats throughout the year. Here is our usual Sunday morning schedule:

*Children are always welcome to stay in worship, Sunday School is optional for those families who wish to attend. Children are dismissed to Sunday School after the Childrens’ Message.

If you have any questions, please email our Children, Youth, and Families Minister Carrie-Lee Farnham at: